TEF Exams

TEF Tests of the CCIP (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris Ile-de-France)

The Alliance Française de Zurich is an approved center to organize TEF (Tests d’Evaluation de Français) tests: TEF Naturalisation Française, TEF Canada, TEFaQ (Quebec), TEF for studies in France.

The TEF is the first standardized test of French as a foreign language available on the language market in the world.

Created in 1998 by the French Language Center of the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry and recognized in France by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of the Interior (TEF Naturalization), Overseas, Territorial Communities and Immigration, in Canada by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and in Quebec by the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) with the TEFAQ version, the TEF allows you to test your comprehension and expression skills in general French.

Website of the Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie de Paris Ile-de-France for information on the various TEF tests, how they are administered and tips on how to prepare for them.

The Alliance Française de Zurich organize TEF tests on request starting since March 2023. Please contact us by email  info@afzurich.ch for information and registration for a TEF session.

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